Monday, September 10, 2012

(A.J.) Fights outside their window...thinking about Hank coming home.

Hey everybody. Well, Its been a normal week. Nothing out of the ordinary....Oh so something cool happened the other day. by the way mom, don't freak out, it is one of those stories, haha. ok, so we were going to bed in our apartment, and we hear some yelling and stuff outside our window, so we were interested in what was going on, so we looked out the window, and by the way, a lot of things happen outside our window, haha. But so we look and there are 4 guys, and 2 of them are really yelling at each other and going at it. and it is like 11:15 at this time. So then all of the sudden 2 of them start duking it out, swinging and throwing punches and stuff. Then a big black guy, gets in the middle of it and stops these two. They kept yelling for like another 15 min. but at least they stopped the fighting. So we weren't in danger mom, so don't freak out, but we enjoyed it. it was funny, I turned to Elder Kurt and told him, "no one else in the whole mission is getting this type of entertainment every night." Its true, each night something interesting goes on outside our window, well not every night but most nights. Like one night, there was a big party going on and somebody was yelling and someone else because they wanted like, crack instead of cocain. haha. something like that. It is really fun and entertaining. But ya, I thought I would just share that with you. It was cool. Well, me and Kurt get along really well, We havn't gotten in one argument so far since we've been companions. its nice, we get along great and have similar interests. We have fun with each other. Well, I've been thinking a lot about Hank this past week, I think about him all the time every day. It kinda stinks that I still have 20 months left and that Hank gets home in 9 days. It really just is tough that I won't be there when he gets home. I mean, I know 20 months will go by fast, but right now, every day goes really slow, especially since I just think about Hank all the time. I really just want to hang out with him again. Thats the main thing that is tough right now. but it will be alright. Well, I loved the pictures. Thanks for them, they help out a lot. More pictures of buster would be nice too. haha. Well, take care, and I'll see you guys later.
Love, A.J.

A.J.'s new friend. 

A.J.'s new find.  Found this DBacks hat at thrift store in Florida for one dollar!  His new favorite hat.

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